February 29, 2024 Part 2

February 29, 2024 Part 2

Health update:
The nurse called back and said we are a go for the brachytherapy procedure tomorrow at 530am. Yay!

Even better news - she said my MRI from Monday resulted in no visible disease in my body and the 2 affected lymph nodes are normal sized now! What a blessed miracle! I'll get more details from the dr tomorrow I think.

I wish I didn't have to still do these last 4 radiation treatments but I guess it is necessary to ward off the cancer returning.

They will put me under tomorrow and then insert the device. Once I come out of anesthesia, they'll send me through radiation and then remove the device. Then we'll do it again 3 more times over the next 10 days, finishing on March 11th if there's no complications.

I'm still in a lot of pain and discomfort from the radiation side effects. Bathroom activities are especially painful. But I know my body is healing and have to be patient.

Thanks to all of you for coming on this journey with me!



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