February 29, 2024

February 29, 2024

Health update:

Well the procedure tomorrow is in limbo because of complications due to the radiation side effects in the treatment area. The nurse just called to check on me and said she'll have to see what the dr says and will call back if it needs to be rescheduled. Fingers crossed!

Regarding the financial battle, they called yesterday to try to collect another $5000 for tomorrow's procedure. I could hardly believe it. I informed the lady that we have paid in full for Friday's procedure, as well as the additional 3 procedures. This hospital still hasn't credited my account for the $70,000 check we gave them January 23rd. They didn't even cash it until valentines day.

At this point, it's time to get a government representative involved, which I plan to do next week. If they postpone tomorrow's procedure, I'll make the call tomorrow.

The fight continues...



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